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West Point child dies following gasoline accident

By Ryan Aston - | Feb 20, 2024

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WEST POINT — The Davis County Sheriff’s Office has confirmed the death of a 12-year-old boy Tuesday morning as a result of a fire occurring at approximately 4:30 p.m. Monday.

Fire Chief Mark Becraft of the North Davis Fire District told the Standard-Examiner that the boy appeared to have been using gasoline in an attempt to light a campfire, which triggered an explosion. As a result, he received critical burns to “over 50% to 80%” of his body.

The boy’s mother also suffered serious burn injuries while attempting to save her child. Authorities responded to the accident within minutes.

Becraft said the boy was treated at the scene by the North Davis Fire District and later flown to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City. The mother was transported via ambulance to Ogden’s McKay-Dee Hospital.

According to a press release from the sheriff’s office, the woman has since been released from the hospital.

The victims’ identities have not been made public and the investigation of the accident is ongoing.

“Responding to this call and aiding the family on this tragic night will be a moment that will stay with our deputies and other first responders for a lifetime,” Davis County Sheriff Kelly Sparks said in the release.

“We cannot begin to express our sincerest condolences to this family and those impacted by this terrible accident. We mourn the loss of this young boy, and we grieve for his family, his schoolmates, and those who love him.”


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