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NBA prospect talks Aussie teammates from Jazz

By Brandon Garside, Standard-Examiner Staff - | May 31, 2015

SALT LAKE CITY — New Mexico guard Hugh Greenwood had his first NBA pre-draft workout with the Utah Jazz on Wednesday morning, and while the Australian was far from home, he was close to teammates Joe Ingles and Dante Exum from the Australia National Team.

“I told him I was going to raid whatever was left in his locker. He’s a size 13 as well, so I’m going to have a look around,” said Greenwoood. “He gave me some words of advice, and had some other guys, I got a little inside info, it was a good experience.”

After the practice, Greenwood was greeted by Exum on the floor of the Jazz practice facility, and the two talked for a few moments before a friendly goodbye.

Even though he says didn’t shoot well in the workout, Greenwood says that he played like all Aussies play — hard.

“Play hard, work hard, which is second nature to us Aussies,” he said. “We play hard, it’s how we get this far. Just have fun, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to be here and it’s an honor to be here. I think I did that today.”

A la Joakim Noah, Greenwood had his long hair in a bun during the workout, and has been growing it out for two years, and is doing so to raise awareness for breast cancer.

“It means a lot. It’s something that I’m very passionate about. With my mom battling incurable secondary breast cancer, it’s a priority in my life,” said Greenwood. “My family and her are my priority, basketball comes second.”

Greenwood started a fundraiser called Pink Pack that sends 100 percent of donations to the University of New Mexico Cancer Center.

“Being from Australia it’s a long way from home, but New Mexico is my home, and to raise $65,000 for local research, facilities and patients was huge for me,” he said. “It’s in honor of my mom, and in honor of everyone that’s battled breast cancer.”

Regardless of where his basketball career takes him, Hugh plans to continue running the Pink Pack, and hopes to help others than have been affected.

“Breast cancer and cancer aren’t going away anytime soon, unfortunately. It’s still something that we know a lot about, but not a whole lot about,” he said. “We’re still looking for that cure. If we can provide and help patients and their families as much as we can in the meantime, it’s going to help in the long run. My mom had a great support network, great treatment, great care, and I’m trying to emulate that in New Mexico.”

Despite the tough situation with his mother, Hugh and his family are staying positive, and enjoying the ride.

“Unfortunately it’s incurable, so it’s something that has shortened her life span, but in the meantime she just battles. That’s what she does,” he said. “That’s what we do as a family. We stick together. She’s on medication right now. Her body will eventually adapt to that medication, and then we’ll have to try something different, but in the meantime, she’s stable and just enjoying life.”

As far as the hair is concerned, it doesn’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon.

“I’ve become attached to it,” said Greenwood. “I was to shave it off towards the end of the season, but I became a little attached. We raised a lot of money, so I think when we hit a certain goal, I’ll eventually shave it off, but in the meantime, I like it. My mom likes it too, so whatever she says, goes. I’ll hold on to it for a while.”

Contact sports reporter Brandon Garside at bgarside@standard.net, on Twitter @BGarsideSE, on Facebook.com/BrandonGarsideSE.


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