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Comer: We should make serving others a top priority

Last week, I was walking my two sons to school in the driving snow. Walking to school has become a necessity as of late because the transmission in my car faltered. Thankfully, it’s less than a mile walk, but in the snow, it’s not particularly pleasant. About halfway there, a woman from ...

Comer: Choose to be a peacemaker and end contention

There’s a story I read once about Joseph Smith, founder and first president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that made such an impression on me that I haven’t forgotten it. As the story goes, while Smith was in Far West, Missouri, at his parents’ home, armed militiamen ...

Comer: The importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ

There’s a vague memory inside my head from when I was a young child, perhaps only 8 or 9 years old. I was lying in bed one evening and found myself pondering life after death. I don’t remember much about the thoughts I had at the time, but I remember being gripped with fear by the ...

Comer: A testimony of the importance of general conference

I was telling my 8-year-old son this week that my favorite times of the year are — in no specific order — Thanksgiving, Christmas and general conference, the semiannual gathering of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. From the talks to the music to the temple announcements ...