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Comer: Understanding pride and how to overcome it

More than a century after the Jews were carried captive into Babylon lived a man by the name of Haman. His story begins in Esther 3 in the Old Testament. King Ahasuerus promoted Haman, putting him above all the princes. The servants of the king in the king’s gate all bowed to Haman, all ...

Comer: Unity is achievable through love and humility

I was waiting in my car for my kids after school let out this week when I noticed an incoming call from a phone number I did not recognize. I thought it might be a telemarketer, but I felt compelled to answer, so I did. “Hello?” I skeptically asked. “Who is this?” came the reply on ...

Comer: The necessity of having an attitude of gratitude

Last week, I found myself pondering the idea of gratitude. In doing this, I started thinking of things that I was grateful for. Then, however, a thought came to my mind. What if I no longer had this thing for which I am now grateful? Would I become bitter? Then, another thought came. What about ...

Comer: The importance of showing compassion, not just empathy

Last week, I had my six-month checkup at the dentist office. As I am sure many can sympathize with, it’s hardly a day I anticipate with eagerness. Thankfully, I don’t dread it as much as I once did. My attitude toward going to the dentist changed about 10 years ago. I had just started ...

Comer: Countering Satan’s desperate attempts to influence us

When I was on my Latter-day Saint mission in Taiwan, there was a phrase I often heard by the people who we would attempt to teach: “Kao Zi Ji.” Simply put, it means, “Rely on oneself." Respectfully, I just can’t do that. And I’m not ashamed of it. I know that I have a Heavenly ...

Comer: Happiness is a choice all need to make no matter what

My favorite talks in church are the ones in which the speaker draws on personal experiences to provide instruction on whatever gospel subject they are discussing. In those moments, I find my focus completely fixed on the message and I realize how similar the speaker is to me, attempting to ...