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The TX. 10: Cities we’d like to visit most

<strong>1. London</strong> — I’d love to look around at all the history and famous places.<strong>2. Anchorage, Alaska</strong> — I like the cold temperatures.<strong>3. New York City —</strong> I would ...

‘Dying’ to see a Halloween movie?

It’s bitter cold outside, it’s becoming dark faster every night, and pumpkin-flavored anything is consistently craved. This can only mean one thing: It’s time for Halloween!With kids at your front door all night, pleading for tricks or treats as witches and vampires, how can life get any ...

The TX. 10: Best fields for internships

1. Teaching2. Cosmetology3. CNA clinics4. Day care5. Automotive6. Engineering7. Graphic design8. First response/emergency9. Veterinary work10. Tutoring<em>— Kaia McClure,</em><em>Syracuse High</em>[gallery_header ids="1296688,1296692"]

Easy ways to make music

High school is said to be the perfect time to learn a musical instrument.Many schools offer free or cheap band classes and instrument rentals. My school also has some orchestra and percussion classes at different levels so students of the same musical ability can play together and learn on the ...

Bottom Line trivia

Seaweed can grow up to one foot in a single day.[gallery_header ids="1294342,1294347"]

Bottom Line trivia

Your foot has 26 bones in it — one-fourth of the bones in your body.[gallery_header ids="1298705,1298711"]

The TX. 10: Best things about this summer

1. Going to San Diego to sing with friends.2. Hanging out with my family.3. Boating.4. Having my brother come home from a church mission because it’s been fun to hang out with him.5. Sleeping in.6. Going to a Raptors game.7. Seeing “Hamilton” in Chicago.8. Traveling.9. Swimming.10. ...

Chart your course for senior year

It’s that time of the year again — every student’s favorite time: back to school!This year, I am finally a senior and will be moving on from high school and graduation. While I am extremely excited to finally graduate, there is also the sense of stress and apprehension that brings.In the ...

Chadha film reveals we’re all ‘blinded by light’

It has never felt so clear to me that our country is trapped in a place we’re afraid we can’t get out of. America has felt more divided and hateful in these past three years than it ever has in the 21st century.As a teenage growing up in this America, I too have felt the confinement of a ...

Last chance to apply for TX.; make your voice heard

It’s not too late to see your writing or photographs in print — the deadline to apply for our TX. staff has been extended to Aug. 20.We’re looking for teenagers to write stories, take photos and draw illustrations for the <a ...