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Peru: Seeking new heights in hiking, service

Many people in Utah are familiar with the organization EFY, or Especially for Youth, a teen seminar affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Some may also know of AFY — Adventure for Youth.But recently, I found out about and had the opportunity to participate in HEFY. ...

Bottom Line trivia

You need 10 pounds of milk to make one pound of cheese.[gallery_header ids="1019362,1019368"]

Moving out? Smart tips to cook for one

Sometimes I get caught up in the surreal nature of the fact that I have graduated. It’s pretty weird to talk to friends from my graduating class, and digest the idea that we are all headed different directions in such a relatively short time.But something many graduates have in common is the ...

Hit the road, see Spiral Jetty

Did you know that Utah has a state “work of land art?”As of 2017, the <a href="https://www.diaart.org/visit/visit/robert-smithson-spiral-jetty" target="_blank">Spiral Jett</a>y was given this official title.The jetty was built in 1970 and is made entirely of ...

The TX. 10: Coolest ice cream flavors

1. Brownies on the Moon2. Birthday Cake3. Playdough4. Butter pecan5. Huckleberry6. Eggnog7. Mint chocolate chip8. Neopolitan9. Thin Mint10. Cookie dough<em>— Sara Tesch, Roy High</em>[gallery_header ids="1117456,1117459,1117466"]

Bottom Line trivia

About 5 percent of Yellowstone National Park is covered in water; 80 percent of the park is forest.[gallery_header ids="957519,957523"]