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The TX. 10: Weirdest names of dog breeds

<strong>1. Peruvian Inca Orchid:</strong> Yes, it’s a dog, not a flower.<strong>2. Sloughi:</strong> He would definitely lose attendance credit.<strong>3. Stabyhoun:</strong> Don’t give this one any ...

‘Night Circus’ weaves tale of magic, mystery

One thing that most people can relate to is the appeal of the unknown and the mysterious. This can be seen especially in the love of magicians and magic all over the world.“People will see what they wish to see. And in most cases, what they are told they see,” writes <a ...

Bottom Line trivia

When the first woman in America applied to enter medical school in 1847, students thought it was a joke. But Elizabeth Blackwell graduated first in her class from New York’s Geneva Medical College in 1849 and opened her own practice.[gallery_header ids="1030002,1030007"]

Fill summer with cookies, travel, more favorites

Now that it’s summer, I’ve just been thinking about a few of my favorite things:<strong>1. Travel.</strong> Traveling is a blast! I have been so lucky in that I have done my fair share of traveling so far. Hawaii, Oregon and Southern Utah are my top three ...

The TX. 10: Ways to beat summer boredom

1. Find a new hobby2. Get a part-time job3. Make a new friend4. Go on a staycation5. Cook something new6. Do touristy things in your hometown7. Plant a garden8. Find a way to help someone in need9. Go camping for a night10. Head over to the drive-in movie<em>— Sara Tesch, Roy ...

Daily Prophet: All the news fit to print?

I have loved the Harry Potter series since I was in second grade. I’m always amazed how much detail is woven through the stories, particularly in how you can connect that detail to the real world.The journalistic practices of the Wizarding World are particularly intriguing to me. In Harry’s ...