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Volunteer opportunities available at local organizations

If you are interested in volunteering and do not see what interests you, please call us as we have many more opportunities available and will help you find what interests you and best uses your skills. If your organization is in need of volunteers, please give us a call at 801-625-3777 or 801-778-6897. Want to help make a pawsative impact in your community? Rocky Mountain Dog Therapy is looking to expand in the Ogden area. If you and/or your dog might want to join the volunteer-based team that has different needs in the community, then give us a call. They go to schools and ...

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Letter: Stand up for our immigrant neighbors

My father, Jorge, came to America when he was twenty years old on a student visa. Born and raised on a farm in Honduras, he was the first in his family to earn a college degree. Without my dad’s decision to come to this country, I wouldn’t exist. It was here that my father met my mother, an ...

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