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Mysterious Lagoon ride is looking more and more like a roller coaster

By Tim Vandenack - | Feb 4, 2022

Dennis Montgomery, Special to the Standard-Examiner

A new ride taking shape at Lagoon amusement park in Farmington, photographed Jan. 23, 2022.

FARMINGTON -- The mysterious ride taking shape at Lagoon is looking more and more like a roller coaster of some sort.

A recent photo provided to the Standard-Examiner shows a green section of track rising up to the top of the main body of the ride, with another track extension poking out of the mass.

Whatever the case, a rep from the Farmington amusement park isn't saying much, as has been the case all along as the ride has slowly materialized -- all the better to heighten curiosity and build anticipation.

"We usually don't announce things until we're ready to bring them online," said Adam Leishman, a Lagoon spokesman. "Part of it is we like having surprises for people."

The ride has been in the works, dating back to the planning stage, for "many, many, many years," Leishman said. Actual construction goes back "a few years," he said, but there's apparently light at the end of the tunnel -- officials are hoping for a debut in 2023.

Earlier Standard-Examiner reporting pegged the possible name of the new ride as "Primordial." However, Leishman's lips are sealed, for the most part.

"It's an attraction like no other in the park," maybe the world, he said. "It's pretty unique."

The last major thrill ride addition to Lagoon was Cannibal, a roller coaster, which opened in 2015.


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