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Weber County officials identify gunman in North Ogden incident, release video

By Tim Vandenack - | May 4, 2023

Image supplied, Weber County Attorney's Office

This image shows Jeffrey Roberts holding a shotgun and entering the North Ogden home of his brother, Scott Roberts, on April 27, 2023. Authorities say Jeffrey Roberts shot and killed his brother and shot and injured Jodi Roberts, Scott Roberts' wife. The image comes from footage from a doorbell video at the home, released Thursday, May 4, 2023, by Weber County investigators.

OGDEN — Video footage released Thursday as part of the continuing investigation into the death of a North Ogden man last week shows his brother attacking suddenly and seemingly without provocation.

Authorities say Scott Roberts died at his home on April 27 at the hands of his brother, publicly identified for the first time with Thursday’s video release of information by the Weber County Attorney’s Office as Jeffrey Roberts, 66, of Long Beach, California. Scott Roberts’ wife, Jodi Roberts, was injured in the violent and fiery exchange, which left the couple’s home, at 3233 Mountain Road in North Ogden, with heavy damage.

Scott Roberts “died as a result of gunshot wounds inflicted by Jeffrey Roberts,” reads written narrative in the video. “Scott’s wife was also shot by Jeffrey Roberts and is currently receiving medical treatment for her injuries.”

Jeffrey Roberts died in a shootout with North Ogden police who responded to the scene after receiving called-in reports from neighbors of gunshots, the gunfire that apparently killed his brother. Doorbell video in Thursday’s release of information shows Jeffrey Roberts rushing out of the house after the police have arrived, apparently firing his gun, and then stumbling and falling on the front stoop of the home after he’s hit by return fire from the officers.

“The officers came under immediate fire upon arrival. Three officers returned fire,” reads the narrative in Thursday’s release.

Image supplied, Weber County Attorney's Office

This image shows North Ogden police at the home of Scott Roberts after shooting and killing his brother Jeffrey Roberts in a shootout. Jeffrey Roberts had shot and killed Scott Roberts, authorities say, and later set the home ablaze with flares. The image is from police body camera footage.

The probe, overseen by the Weber County Force Investigation Team, continues and the video release — containing footage from a doorbell video at the home and one of the officer’s body cameras — leaves many questions unanswered, including the factors that may have motivated Jeffrey Roberts. But the information offers more details into what exactly transpired.

The doorbell video shows Jeffrey Roberts first approaching the front door of the North Ogden home and ringing the doorbell. Scott Roberts apparently answers, though the video narrative doesn’t identify him, and the two men engage in talk, some of it unintelligible.

“Hey what’s up?” says Jeffrey Roberts after Scott Roberts comes to the door.

“What’re you doing?” Scott Roberts answers.

“(Unintelligible) came by to see (unintelligible),” Jeffrey Roberts says.

“She’s not here,” says Scott Roberts.

“Where’s she at?” asks Jeffrey Roberts.

“In Missouri,” says Scott Roberts.

“What is she doing there?” Jeffrey Roberts asks.

“Well, she’s living with (unintelligible) mom, who’s taking care of her,” Scott Roberts answers.

“Really?” answers Jeffrey Roberts. “How long she been there?”

“Well, about a year,” Scott Roberts answers.

“Really?” answers Jeffrey Roberts, simultaneously reaching inside the hoodie he’s wearing.

At this point just 15 seconds into the conversation, still at the front door, Jeffrey Roberts pulls out an apparent handgun, though the video doesn’t clearly show it, and fires five times, simultaneously forcing his way inside the home.

Three more shots and shouting are heard from inside the house, though the video only shows the front stoop of the home with no one there.

Neighbors heard the noise and called emergency dispatchers to report the exchange, according to the video, while subsequent doorbell video shows Jeffrey Roberts leaving the home and then returning to it with a shotgun and a bag.

Five minutes later, according to the video timeline, he again leaves the home, holding a shotgun and talking on a cellphone, the doorbell video shows. Squealing and squeaking can be heard, perhaps fire alarms sounding after the home was set ablaze.

“Prior to police arrival, Jeffrey Roberts used road flares to start the house on fire,” reads the narrative from Thursday’s video release.

Next comes the video of the shootout between Jeffrey Roberts and police, both from the doorbell camera and an officer’s body camera. An image in the video shows several bullet holes in a support column on the front porch, which the narrative says came from Jeffrey Roberts firing on police.

“Preliminary investigation shows that Jeffrey Roberts began to fire on police as they arrive on the scene,” reads the video narrative. Roberts emerges from the home in the video but is quickly hit by police gunfire and falls face first on the steps connecting the walkway to the home and the porch.

“Cease fire, cease fire,” an officer shouts as the apparent fire alarms squeal. Then three of them cautiously approach the downed man.

Audio from the one of the officer’s body cameras indicates more than 30 shots were fired before Jeffrey Roberts falls down. “He’s down. Head shot,” says one of the officers in the body camera footage.

On reaching the home, the officers realize it’s ablaze. Black smoke and then flames can be seen coming from a window. “There’s a fire inside the house,” one of the officers says.

According to the preliminary investigation, Jeffrey Roberts — who drove to the location in a brown van — was armed with a 9 mm handgun and had 23 loaded handgun magazines. He also had a 12-gauge shotgun and more than 150 shotgun shells.

The first arriving officer took cover behind a sturdy stone mailbox holder from the gunfire he was receiving and an image in the video shows several bullet impacts in the stone. A nearby police car parked in the street in front of the home was also hit by several apparent bullets.

The house across the street from Scott Roberts’ home “received multiple bullet impacts from Jeffrey Roberts,” reads narrative in the video. An image shows the garage door with more than 10 apparent bullet holes.

Kelsey Turner, Scott and Jodi Roberts’ daughter, hinted at friction between the Roberts brothers in a GoFundMe post, but Thursday’s release doesn’t shed additional light on the relationship.

“The video should answer most questions that we can respond to at this time. Will have more details after full investigation is concluded,” Weber County Attorney Chris Allred said in an email to the Standard-Examiner.

A vigil in response to last week’s violence is set for Saturday. It starts at 6 p.m. and will be held at Mountain View Park at 875 E. 3300 North in North Ogden.