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Letter: A path toward an assured 2024 presidential victory

I believe the country would embrace a Mitt Romney / Jon Huntsman presidential ticket. Both have served as State Governors. Huntsman having served both Republican and Democratic presidents as ambassador to both China and Russia. Mitt as our State Senator and Olympics Games problem solver. Both ...

Letter: Contact commissioners to oppose Weber inland port

Think of the Amazon warehouse on I -15 in Farr West. Since 2022, it has sat empty and unused. Adjacent to it is the BDO (Business Depot Ogden), an industrial and business center. It covers 1118 acres, and still has room to grow. Now imagine the area in Weber County, only a few miles from the ...

Letter: In solving homelessness, look toward the faithful

The Pew Research Center has reported the largest decline in Church attendance in American history, with forty million Americans, 12% of our republic’s population, abandoning regular church attendance since 2003. Since 2019, church attendance has fallen a percentage point a year to a mere 30%, ...

Letter: Please incorporate railings into community infrastructure

"This is my story, this is my song" — us old folks need rails so we can hold on. True story, hand rails that are sturdy are a must at both city and county arenas (in-doors and out-doors) so the older generation can avoid a tumble. Any place that has stairs for public use should be evaluated ...

Letter: Why so mad about CO2? All life depends on it to survive

I could not believe what I was reading in the Opinion Page a couple mornings ago. “A reader’s urgent plea to halt sale of CO2 carbonated beverages.” What the heck? Someone actually believes that by not drinking carbonated beverages CO2 will be reduced? Are they serious? CO2 is the gas of ...

Letter: Vexed by 2024 legislative session and the money giveaway

A lot of bills already introduced in the 2024 State Legislature Session. A tax break is one the Legislators and the State is attempting to put into effect — it calls for a reduction in the State Income Tax. Keep in mind that this tax cut applies only to those of us that actually pay State ...