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Letter: Human beings are not vermin, so stop killing babies

Human beings are not vermin. We are all created in the image and likeness of God. To kill a baby in the womb, dismember it, and throw its body parts into a trash bin is to treat a human being like vermin. You do not need to be affiliated with a religion to know this. A good conscience and a ...

Letter: The real story behind Trump’s Iowa failure

Tuesday’s article "Trump notches commanding win in IA caucuses” is actually wrong. I’ve read articles at Washington Post, The Hill, CNN, CBS, and others calling traitor’s performance a Huge Win. But, ALL OF THOSE ARTICLES COMPARED HIS RANKING TO HIS 2016 PERFORMANCE, NOT HIS 2020 ...

Letter: Raises for pay, personal integrity needed

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D., Mass., and Representative Patrick McHenry, R., N.C., and others are calling for a pay raise for our government leaders, especially the staff of the elected officials. They have a valid point of view if one considers the greater expenses of keeping two homes, ...

Letter: DEI vs MLK: Is it all still a dream?

You know, I can't change my skin color, race, origin, etc. Those are immutable characteristics. What I can change is my skills. Information on the web is open to everyone. Everyone has access to it. Merit is the greatest equalizer. Just passed the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. He is most ...

Letter: Utah GOP has abandoned its principles

The Utah Republican party appears to be finally fully off the rails. Instead of calling itself the party of Lincoln it can legitimately call itself the party of Jefferson Davis. First, the Utah Senate bill attacking federal “unconstitutional overreach” is EXACTLY what Lincoln opposed and ...

Letter: Trump’s victim mentality pushed me away from GOP

I am a Republican voter. Or at least, I was. Former President Trump has finally persuaded me to vote Democrat. According to Trump, the Democrats stole the 2020 election, using elected Republican officials and average Republican election workers without their knowledge, and without leaving any ...