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Letter: Ode to Brent Johnston, a talented native son

The passing of a local boy-made-good went unremarked. A tribute was held on June 1, 2024. I submit this memorial. Brent Johnston was the “love child” of Liberace and Carol Channing. Or so he told people. He was also a gem; a Davis County boy wonder. Yes, I am his relative. But who ...

Letter: A call for Willard residents to attend meeting

Willard residents deserve a voice in decisions that impact our city. This Thursday night, at 6:30 PM, a critical City Council meeting will be held at Willard City Hall. The primary focus is citizen representation regarding the recent gravel pit rezoning approved by the county for a city gravel ...

Letter: Strate deserves to keep serving on school board

Brent Strate is a career-long educator who is running for re-election to the State School Board, District 3. He has honorably served in that position as a representative of South Ogden, Layton, South Weber, Clearfield, and Clinton. While there may be issues with other states' education system, ...

Letter: Mike Lee putting Trump loyalty above the law

Senator Mike Lee has spoken. He is against the rule of law. After six weeks of testimony and presentation of various documents, a jury of twelve of our fellow citizens unanimously found Donald R. Trump guilty of 34 felonious acts. As a result, Mike Lee and seven other senators have signed a ...

Letter: Social Security funds must be restored

A recent letter to the editor by Miguel Serda was pretty accurate except for a few things. It is rather ironic I think that our Congress people (Senate and House) keep telling us that Social Security is going to go broke this time in about 10 years. A little odd that Foreign Aid never goes ...

Letter: My opinion on Trump and other subjects

Every reader should read Mr. Carper's letter of 29 May! He has some interesting thoughts on our candidates for national office! Great article on National tv about our Mia Love and her family about 10 days ago! She talked about her battle with brain cancer and showed some pictures of her during ...