Roy incident becomes Weber County’s fourth deadly officer-involved shooting

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OGDEN — The police incident Friday that left a man dead did, in fact, stem from gunfire involving law enforcement authorities.
It becomes the fourth deadly shooting this year involving Weber County law enforcement agencies.
“It is my understanding that officers fired after the man pointed a shotgun at them. Two officers fired – one from Roy and one from (the Ogden Police Department),” Weber County Attorney Chris Allred said Monday.
The Roy Police Department issued a statement Saturday about the “officer-involved critical incident” Friday evening, but it didn’t report the fate of the 39-year-old man involved. Officials in the Weber County Attorney’s Office on Monday, though, confirmed that the man died in a confrontation with law enforcement officials.
“The subject did die as a result of a confrontation and the officer-involved shooting,” said Brandon Miles, who heads the criminal division of the county attorney’s office. The incident, as a matter of routine, is being investigated by the Weber-Morgan Critical Incident Taskforce.
Roy police last Friday were called to a report of a suicidal man “with firearms” at the Orchard Cove Apartments complex at 1801 W. 4650 South. After three hours of negotiation attempts with the man, he “presented a firearm in a threatening manner and shots were fired by two of the involved officers,” according to Saturday’s press release.
As of Monday morning, officials had not yet released the name of the 39-year-old man.
Friday’s incident is the fourth deadly officer-involved shooting since late April. Shootouts between Ogden police and Brian Simonton on June 6 and Alex Lopez on June 13 left Simonton and Lopez dead. An April 27 shootout between North Ogden police and Jeffrey Roberts left Roberts dead.
Those thinking of harming themselves have several resources available:
Weber Human Services emergency or crisis services, 801-625-3700.
Davis Behavioral Health 24-Hour Crisis Response Line, 801-773-7060
National Suicide Prevention Hotline, 1-800-273-8255
SafeUT Crisis Chat and Tip Line, 833-372-3388
National Alliance on Mental Illness Utah, 801-323-9900
Family Counseling Service of Northern Utah, 801-399-1600
Intermountain McKay-Dee Hospital Behavioral Health, 801-387-5600
Davis Hospital: Behavioral Health Unit and Emergency Room, 801-807-1000
Lakeview Hospital: Behavioral Health Unit and Emergency Room, 801-299-2200
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