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Beyond Bars

Behind Bars: Picturing life after prison an ‘extremely difficult’ task

A friend of mine suggested I start picturing what I’d like my life to be like in the outside world as part of a belief in the law of attraction. She told me to try to be as specific and detailed in my imagination as possible. For whatever reason, even with some sincere effort, I find the task ...

Behind Bars: Not everyone in prison wants tattoos or the ‘prison look’

Although I’ve been an inmate for nearly five years, I have not changed my outside appearance much, aside from my limited wardrobe. This may sound cliché, but there is a certain ‘look’ that is common on the inside.“The guy is bald, with a goatee, and has tattoos covering his arms.” ...

Behind Bars: O.J.’s parole hearing gets a 2 out of 10 for contrition

I, along with much of America, watched a good portion of O.J. Simpson’s parole hearing the other day on the news. For those missed it, he basically explained how he had no idea a crime even took place, and how he was the victim of circumstance. I had heard the news report that O.J. was being ...

Behind Bars: Have a friend in prison? They’d love to get a letter from you

My cellie’s dad comes to visit him every month. He drives 12 hours from Arizona and stays overnight nearby so he can see his son two days in a row. My cellie is currently serving a sentence for life without possibility of parole for murder. On one of the visits he asked his dad, “Why do you ...

Behind Bars: A tale of two prisoners being released

I’ve watched quite a few prisoners get ready to leave prison in anticipation of their release; some are ready, and some are not. This last month there were two prisoners who I watched go through this process. Both went before the board and were granted what we call an “immediate release” ...