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Letter: Do Latter-day Saints show integrity if they vote for Trump?

There was a great article by Ryan Comer in the Standard on July 20 called "The importance and power of integrity." While focused on Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints members, it applies to all Christians as well. Concerning integrity, he quotes Elder Jack N. Gerard, "You understand ...

Letter: Support for US mining will combat foreign influence, pollution

Utah has rich reserves of minerals, energy resources, and land. It’s an edge we’re lucky to have, not only for ourselves but for our country. Unfortunately, many environmentalists don't like to see mining on American soil, so they strangle them in red tape. They seem to prefer to get ...

Letter: Trump and his supporters do nothing but lie

Biden is too old but he is an honest man! Trump is too old and mentally unstable, lies all the time, continually belittles people, and is very unfit to be President! Yet he still has a chance to win the election! During his debate with Biden, Trump spoke for about a minute and never said ...

Letter: Four more years of Biden’s lies? No thanks, I’m voting Trump

If Biden gave a speech in the middle of a forest and there was no one there except animals to hear it, would he still lie? Answer: yes. The 6-27 so-called debate was an undoing of him. Now the left is in panic wondering how to dump him. The left wing (unreliable) news is trying harder than ...

Letter: Ogden Councilwoman Choberka would be great state lawmaker

In the Standard Examiner July 6-7 issue Angela Choberka described her support for public service employees in Weber County. I became acquainted with her through her husband, Matt Choberka, a fine art painter and faculty member at Weber State University's art department. Angela is now running ...

Letter: Gerrymandering lawsuit is a problem of legislators’ making

I was pleasantly surprised when I learned that the Utah Supreme Court ruled against the Legislature's attempts to eviscerate the 2018 ballot initiative (Prop 4), which established an independent commission to draw the state's legislative boundaries. I wasn't surprised that the legislative ...