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Letter: Letter to Congressman Blake Moore, Utah – District 1

Mr. Moore: Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this and hopefully respond in kind. First of all, we have been registered Republicans most our life and have voted for you in past elections. We have 5 girls and 8 grand kids. Three of our family members serve in the Military with a ...

Letter: A reply to Jan. 11 ‘Abortion is evil’ opinion letter

The author states “To exist is good. A baby in the womb exists. Therefore, a baby in the womb is good. To destroy that which exists is evil. Abortion destroys that which exists. Therefore, abortion is evil.” Author says “It has nothing to do with patriarchy.” Patriarchy means ruling ...

Letter: Drill baby drill

The Trump and Biden stimulus programs had an unintended consequence. Mainly high inflation that took years to curb. The inflation occurred on the Biden watch and democrats paid the price. When will our leaders learn they cannot control market forces. Trump has already back peddled on his ...

Letter: California wildfires the result of gross negligence

The Dems have cried foul on election interference the last four years where there was nothing they could prove. Now the shoe is on the other foot and the Left is, and has been, doing the same thing only on a larger scale. Governor Newsom (who once was Nancy Pelosi's distant nephew through ...

Letter: Qualifications for Trump/Musk Cabinet positions

1. Toal loyalty to Trump/Musk. Who is loyal to Putin, Erdogan and Kim Jong Un. 2. Backs Russian propaganda re Syria and lies about the use of chemical warfare. 3. A Fox celebrity or a frequent guest on Fox. 4. Accused of sexual abuse against women. Commits sexual improprieties or ...

Letter: GOP silence is spineless and shameless

It is a shame as well as sinful that those same republicans who were in fear of their lives on January 6 of those insurgents who stormed the capitol and threatened them with harm and were depended on those capitol police to protect them that were beaten and injured are today too spineless to ...