I thought that I'd write to tell you my true thoughts & feelings about the new Utah flag. We're not at war so who cares if you can recognize it from a distance or even 20 miles away? The new flag doesn't have our nation's flag or bird on it. Also the new flag doesn't have when Utah was ...
The Utah legislature wants us to approve Amendment D to the Utah Constitution to protect us voters by "prohibiting foreign influence on ballot initiatives and referendums". How disingenuous. If they really cared about Utah voters being unduly influenced by forces not based in Utah, wouldn't it ...
We must have the worst legislature ever! They want to be able to repeal or amend any ballot initiative presented by the voters on November's ballot! The legislature seems to be a bunch of old men who want total control over what we think! This sounds like how Putin controls the people of ...
It's been a few weeks since I set foot on 25th Street until yesterday morning. Not only was one of my favorite restaurants gone with a lockbox on the door, but that was when I first noticed the signage from one of the few establishments open at that hour stating that for some crazy reason now ...
Mr. Larsen claimed he was unable to find the “sexual innuendos“ Trump made about Harris even after searching many outlets. To assist him, below are some, not all, of the outlets that carried the story.
From New York Times, 8/28/24, “Trump Reposts Crude Sexual Remark About Harris on Truth ...
OK, show of hands: How many were born into the healthcare system? Maybe you’ve been treated by a medical professional for an injury, illness, pregnancy, dental or age-related condition? What did you observe about the people who helped you? Yeah, they truly care. By the time we get to the ...