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Letter: Beware of scam callers around the holidays

A word of warning. Now that the holidays are fast approaching, if someone telephones you, says who they are and then says “Can you hear me?”, do not say yes. Chances are it is a scam caller. The holiday season seems to make this type of call very popular among scammers. Stan Jacobson Ogden

Letter: Why we need the Utah Forward Party

Utah's political landscape cries out for meaningful change, and the Utah Forward Party represents a critical pathway to reinvigorating our democratic process. As a third-party movement, Utah Forward offers more than just an alternative—it presents a genuine opportunity to break the ...

Letter: Public lands should stay in the public’s hands

I wish I had millions of other people’s money to create ads, videos and lawsuits to get things I want. Utah does. Utah has used taxpayer dollars to file numerous lawsuits, and their most recent is over public lands. Even though Utah gave up the right to own the BLM lands it is suing over, it ...

Letter: Response to Trump flag criticism

I agree with Mr. Serda; the display was in poor taste. However, does he have to be remembered that a Democratic president was a draft dodger and alleged flag burner? Furthermore, it was also deemed alright for him to lie under oath! But then, he was one of the "good" guys rather than one of ...

Letter: Promises made

Though I did not vote for Donald Trump, I am excited to now have a president whose motto is "Promises Made, Promises Kept." He promises to get tough on crime. And the 2024 Republican party platform reinforces that message by promising that "the Republican Party must stand for equal treatment ...

Letter: We know the outcome; now what is our responsibility?

Apparently, the Trump Party has won the 2024 election, fair and square. Those of us who believe in “Constitution over party” are now faced with the obligation of showing our commitment to that principle. Having a leader that has no respect for the rule of law does not absolve us from ...