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Letter: Many questions remain about inland port

The Utah Inland Port Authority is pushing forward with a port for Weber County as well as many others around Utah. They promise high tax revenues for counties and provide tax subsidized money for areas that banks will not support. In reality, the counties receive 25% of the taxes; the port ...

Letter: When did we get Mayor ‘Mike Nadolski’?

Last fall I decided to pitch in on the Ben Nadolski for Ogden City Mayor campaign. I was sold on the promises Ben made to restore faith in Ogden City government and make the overdue personnel changes that Ogden needed. I am now sorry to say that instead of getting Ben elected, I put “Mike ...

Letter: Ten Commandments more influential than writer indicates

I could not read the Guest Commentary of April 5, 2024 titled: “Ten Commandments shouldn’t be in Utah public school curriculum.” But then considering the Author and organization she represents it is not surprising. I wish to challenge Ms. Gaylor (Co-Founder of the Freedom From Religion ...

Letter: Commentator will be judged for his criticism of LDS Church

Regarding Keith Burns' frequent anti-Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints guest commentaries. First of all, Mr. Burns, you or one of your contacts have violated Sacred Covenants that you have made with God HIMSELF in one of his Holy Temples: "God will NOT be mocked." Secondly, it is ...

Letter: Ogden City budget lies a result of money mismanagement

In 1968 we purchased a new Camaro for $3,400. Today $3,400 would be a small down payment. The utility infrastructure in Ogden is older than the Camaro. It is unrealistic to expect this very old system to be replaced without new debt. The new $34 million loan is a necessary step to address the ...

Letter: With Trump in power, the Constitution is threatened

Thank you Charles Trentelman for your wise and direct words regarding the GOP and the 2024 election — always good to hear from you! It is clear from his public statements that Donald Trump: (1) will declare that it is “because of widespread fraud” if he loses in November, and (2) if he ...