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Letter: How could Latter-day Saints vote for Trump?

How could people of my faith, members of the LDS Church, support a man so vile that, among other behaviors, he would simulate a sex act at a rally attended by thousands and viewed by millions? How does one explain to their children a vote for such a person? How do members of my faith endorse a ...

Letter: Concerned about climate? Become a lobbyist

The Citizens' Climate Lobby benefits you by 1. Putting you to work in effective action to promote clean energy. 2. Putting you in charge of your government. When you hear the word, lobbyist, what comes to your mind? You might picture a lawyer or perhaps a former politician who works for a big ...

Letter: A reasonable approach to the future

Donald Trump won fair and square and with a commanding victory. This was at the great disappointment of my household, and especially my daughters who, among other things, don’t feel that it is right that a man has earned presidential power 100% of the time in this country. As a father I told ...

Letter: Dear world, we are not all like Donald Trump

After a tumultuous election, America has a president-elect, chosen by a majority of voters. May the world know that the majority of Americans — those who voted for him and those who opposed him — are not as brash or crass as is he. Wesley White Syracuse

Letter: Rebuttal to column on ‘so-called progressive Mormons’

Jared Whitley in his column "So-called progressive Mormons are great! (And spacious)" gives several reasons why he feels devout Latter-day Saints shouldn't vote for Kamala Harris, or for Democrats for that matter. And some of them are good reasons. However, there are some errors in his ...

Letter: Van Wagoner’s vision for Weber County is responsible

Dear Weber County Voters, I have the privilege of working closely with our beautiful wildlife, especially the birds that bring so much life and wonder to our community. Today, I want to share my endorsement of a candidate who understands the importance of preserving and respecting our natural ...