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Letter: GOP lawmakers flout their support for rule of law

The parade of matching red tie MAGA surrogates, postponing their own responsibilities in Washington D.C., to interfere in the responsibilities of the Manhattan Campaign Finance Law trial in support of Donald Trump. Inside of court they were attempting to influence and/or intimidate the judge, ...

Letter: Careful study of Trump, Biden will point the way

Two recent intelligently written letters in your May 16 paper, “How billionaires negatively affect our lives” and “When did we get Mayor ‘Mike Nadolski’?” are examples of people who come to inaccurate conclusions based upon insufficient information. In this coming presidential ...

Letter: Utah’s tech, business success a model for the US

Innovation is transforming economies, revitalizing communities, and breaking barriers of technological limits around the country and world, and Utah is no different. Driven by venture capital (VC) activity and a supportive business environment, a new study reveals that small and medium-sized ...

Letter: Property tax suggestion for Weber County

How about we give a break on property taxes? Let's say you're over 65, own your home and have no earned income (on "fixed" income). How about we stop increasing your property taxes on that home (your main residence)? This will allow those with an inflexible income to have some more security in ...

Letter: How billionaires negatively affect our lives

Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix, has purchased Powder Mountain and has changed many aspects of the ole family run business that so many of us were used to. Season passes are $1700 and a day pass is over $200. The $10 hamburger is $25. The new motto is "Being and Doing" instead of being family ...

Letter: Just a few reasons not to vote for Trump

I think the old saying “Hit me again, it feels so good” applies here. There are many, many reasons not to vote for former president Donald Trump. The following are only three. First, the U.S. Capitol insurrection where hundreds were arrested brought on by Trump’s words. Second, the fact ...