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National Commentary

Napolitano: A Constitution the government evades

Six months ago, FBI officials boasted that in 2022 their agents had spied on only 120,000 Americans without search warrants! Under the Constitution, that number should be ZERO. This revelation is supposed to give members of Congress comfort that the folks we have hired to protect the ...

De Rugy: ‘Good government’ is a two-way street

You've undoubtedly noticed how up-in-arms everyone becomes when the government is on the verge of shutting down. I've also noticed that the people who most loudly express their horror at the notion of a partial government closure seem totally comfortable with the fiscal wall we are barreling ...

Stiehm: In defense of elders in politics

Public sentiment has turned against old leaders so much that a New Yorker cover art shows President Joe Biden, House Speaker emerita Nancy Pelosi, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell and former President Donald Trump hobbling on walkers. Three are in their early 80s; Trump is ...

Zito: Please stop telling us everything is fine with the economy; it is not

ERIE, Pennsylvania — Two weeks ago, Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman told CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour there is a peculiar disconnect between how the economy is doing and how the public is feeling about it. Amanpour pressed him on why people weren't understanding that they are ...

Erickson: There has to be a better way

The 2024 presidential season involves the senior citizens of both parties doing everything they can to prop up two venal, corrupt, narcissistic octogenarians against a crowd of more youthful, energetic and principled alternatives. Right now, the two old oligarchs running up against God's own ...

Barone: The problems with net zero

Net zero is in trouble. In utterly predictable trouble, in the king's-wearing-no-clothes trouble. The signs are all around. Governments from coastal America to Communist China and businesses from automakers to toymakers have promised that they will produce no net carbon emissions by some date ...

Napolitano: When the state punishes thoughts

Four members of the Proud Boys were recently convicted of sedition in federal court in Washington, D.C. Sedition is a conspiracy to overthrow the federal government by the use of force. The case stems from the events of Jan. 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol. During the trial, an FBI agent ...

Charen: The fear factor in Republican politics

In the hundred thousandth example of his disordered psyche, the former president has stated on his social network that Gen. Mark Milley is guilty of "treason." This is not new, but that shouldn't diminish our outrage. On at least 24 occasions, the former president has accused critics of ...

Stossel: The ‘Don’t Hire Women’ Act

Having a baby? There's a new law meant for you: the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. America needs this law, say activists, because "pregnant workers, especially those in low-wage and physically demanding jobs, have been forced to choose between their health and a paycheck." In my new video, ...

Erickson: There probably needs to be a law

In 2020, two professors and a group of students at Cornell University sent 32,398 emails and handwritten letters to 7,132 state legislators across the nation. The letters and emails took conservative and progressive positions on issues ranging from abortion to gun control. They seemingly ...