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Robbins: Democrats’ feeble wobble on Hamas risks sinking Biden

You can blame Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for plenty of things, and plenty of Israelis do. These include his cynical maneuvering to avoid being held to account on criminal charges, his alliances with nut jobs in his coalition government and the gross negligence that left Israel ...

Erickson: Pause

The world is headed into Holy Week, the holiest of times for the world's more than 2 billion Christians. Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth entered Jerusalem as a king on Palm Sunday; was tortured, crucified, killed and buried on Friday; and rose again on Easter Sunday. It is one of the ...

Garvey: Fishing in the tainted pond of politics

My state ghosted the primary. Well, not everyone did, but more than enough did to make turnout historically low. Nearly four out of five registered voters in Chicago, for example, skipped the election. (That's to say nothing of the folks who never registered in the first place.) The figures ...

Barone: The electric car fiasco

Donald Trump's anodyne if overexcited comment that the U.S. auto industry would face a "bloodbath" if he's not elected and doesn't impose 50% or 100% tariffs on cars produced predictable results. "Don't outsmart yourself," Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) posted, and Joe Biden's campaign promptly ...

Napolitano: Can Congress ban TikTok?

"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech." — First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution When James Madison set about to draft the Bill of Rights — the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution — he was articulating what lawyers and philosophers and judges call ...

Stossel: ’15 days to slow the spread’

Four years ago, government officials told us, "Stay home!" We have "15 days to slow the spread." Days turned into months and then years, while officials chipped away at our freedoms. I have long been wary of politicians, but even I was surprised at how authoritarian many were eager to ...