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National Commentary

Charen: The ‘criminal immigrant’ canard

President Joe Biden chose to scrap a bit with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene at the State of the Union — a choice that should remind us of the old saw, "Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it." Greene has two modes: heckling and lying. This time, she was doing both by ...

De Rugy: Biden’s corporate tax hike: Populism versus economic literacy

In the latest volley of policy proposals that seem more rooted in populist rhetoric than economic knowledge, President Joe Biden's budget plan to hike the corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28% strikes me as particularly misguided. This move, ostensibly aimed at ensuring a "fair share" of ...

Harrop: Build anything anywhere threatens communities

YIMBY sounds nice. YIMBY stands for "Yes in My Backyard." It's a positive-sounding rejoinder to NIMBY, "Not in My Backyard." The NIMBY label is being used to stigmatize defenders of zoning laws, with the goal of bulldozing the rules. Needless to say, real estate developers are all for YIMBY ...

Stiehm: Illustrating paths toward peace in times of war

Accepting the Best Actor Academy Award for his role as Robert Oppenheimer, Cillian Murphy dedicated his Oscar to "the peacemakers" in our post-atomic bomb world. That struck a chord close to home. My mother wrote the book on women peacemakers. An Austrian aristocratic novelist. A Guatemalan ...

Robbins: Hate rape – The kids say it’s OK

The United Nations has long been so uniformly corrupt on the subject of Israel that anytime it ekes out an acknowledgement of attacks on the Jewish state — however reluctantly, belatedly and perfunctorily it does so — it's a man-bite-dog story. Last week, a U.N. official who had clearly ...