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Letter: Weber County inland port community meeting

The Utah Inland Port Authority (UIPA) recently designated approximately 9,000 acres in West Weber County as an inland port location, meaning developers will get taxpayer funded subsidies to put industrial development on open space, with the potential of threatening wetlands and quality of life ...

Letter: Memories of the past in Utah

I was born in 1934, so I think I qualify as an old geezer. I have been thinking back to when I was younger and how much things have changed over the years. I remember growing up in Salt Lake City in the 40’s and going to the movies. I could get into a double feature movie with a cartoon at ...

Letter: Do Latter-day Saints show integrity if they vote for Trump?

There was a great article by Ryan Comer in the Standard on July 20 called "The importance and power of integrity." While focused on Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints members, it applies to all Christians as well. Concerning integrity, he quotes Elder Jack N. Gerard, "You understand ...

The Homefront: Historically, civility is the ultimate cure

Most of us remember where we were and what we were doing when New York’s twin towers crumbled to the ground — a defining, historical moment in our lives. Fewer of us know where we were and what we were doing when a president of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was fatally assassinated. ...

Guest opinion: Disappointing the kids

Some people are great with kids. My husband, Dave, is one of these. He’s the baby-whisperer. When the two of us were the nursery leaders at church. The kids would often come to sit with us (meaning Dave) during the other meetings. Once, the parents of a little boy who worshipped Dave were ...