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Guest opinion: The link between domestic violence and religiosity

I have spent many years trying to understand why Utah has the high violence rates it does toward girls and women. Recently, yet another Utah woman emailed me about the intimate partner violence she has been enduring for over 12 years. But because she has never had cuts and bruises, she didn’t ...

Letter: Trump and his supporters do nothing but lie

Biden is too old but he is an honest man! Trump is too old and mentally unstable, lies all the time, continually belittles people, and is very unfit to be President! Yet he still has a chance to win the election! During his debate with Biden, Trump spoke for about a minute and never said ...

Erickson: Your sins will find you out

Years ago, a dear friend who worked for former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld invited me to join the two of them at a photography exhibit. The Secretary needed some assistance, having had shoulder surgery. He was loathe to have a lady carry his briefcase. It became my job. We walked ...

Letter: Ogden Councilwoman Choberka would be great state lawmaker

In the Standard Examiner July 6-7 issue Angela Choberka described her support for public service employees in Weber County. I became acquainted with her through her husband, Matt Choberka, a fine art painter and faculty member at Weber State University's art department. Angela is now running ...