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Kowalewski: Innovate or get left behind

How many of you have Tupperware in your home? I mean the real deal. Not Rubbermaid or a knockoff you buy at the dollar store. I’ve never purchased a piece of Tupperware in all of my 56 years, but I own Tupperware thanks to my mom’s hand-me-downs. I was sad to learn the news of Tupperware ...

The Homefront: A story of hats and scarves, of heads and hearts

This is a story of hats and scarves, of heads and hearts. Of giving with no thought of receiving. Of witnessing the goodness of people and wanting to share their story. Which is what I am doing right now. About year ago, I wrote a column about a drive to provide warm hats and scarves to a ...

Guest opinion: Our family’s journey to the Utah Fits All Scholarship

I'm a homeschool mom of four children, three of whom were blessed to receive the Utah Fits All Scholarship this school year. Each of my children is unique, as any mother can attest. My oldest son is 11 and is in fifth grade. He has a sharp mind and curious nature that is both fascinating and ...

Napolitano: The government compels silence again

When Congress enacted the Stored Communications Act of 1986 (SCA), it claimed the statute would guarantee the privacy of digital data that service providers were retaining in storage. The act prohibited the providers from sharing the stored data, and it prohibited unauthorized access to the ...

Charen: Not all lies are created equal

It never ends. The press still does not know how to handle the avalanche of lies that is MAGA's chief contribution to our national life. I understand, sort of. It's dull and time-consuming to bird-dog every false accusation, wild assertion or factual misstatement that comes out of Trumpland. ...