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In Utah, a GOP lawmaker conceives a sex ed bill that actually makes sense

Uh-oh. The <a href="https://le.utah.gov/" target="_blank">Utah Legislature</a> may have a serious problem on its hands.It would appear that a certain Bountiful lawmaker has gone rogue down at the state capitol this legislative session. Indeed, this maverick ...

Mayor should keep his office out of Farmington Phoenix mascot decision

FARMINGTON — And the award for Most Embarrassing Misuse of Public Office goes to …It would appear that <a href="http://www.farmington.utah.gov/government/mayor/" target="_blank">Farmington Mayor Jim Talbot</a> has decided to weigh in on the new <a ...

Davis County GOP party official needs to apologize for Facebook post

Talk about your “grave mistakes” …Last Sunday morning, while the rest of <a href="http://www.daviscountyutah.gov/" target="_blank">Davis County</a> was either sleeping in or getting ready for the day’s church/chores/recreation/etc., one intrepid local ...

Columnist believes President Trump making America worse than Haiti

For someone who’s supposed to be this “very stable genius,” the guy sure can be unpredictably dumb.We begin this week with two spoiler alerts:<strong>SPOILER ALERT 1.</strong> This column involves an extremely vulgar word that may be inappropriate for some ...

Angry over Monson obit in NY Times? Why not go visit a widow?

<em>“Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before ...

The ultimate listicle: Weirdest stuff columnist wrote about in 2017

Journalists love lists. Especially in late December.In fact, the number of lists generated by the media is inversely proportional to the number of days left in any given year — the fewer days remaining, the more lists we produce.I’d planned on presenting the “Top 10 Weirdest Stuff I Wrote ...