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Depressed at the holidays? Maybe it’s the music

They say depression spikes at the holidays.If that’s true, we all know exactly where to lay the blame. Christmas music.Consider the case against these seasonal strains …<strong>EXHIBIT A: “The Christmas Shoes,” sung by the Christian vocal group ...

It’s official: At least 736 jackasses in Weber County alone

Sure, our air is bad these days. But on the bright side, at least we now know how many certifiable jackasses we have in <a href="http://www.webercountyutah.gov/" target="_blank">Weber County</a>.Survey says: 736 of them.We know because it just happens to be the exact ...

Breathe easy, folks — here comes the dreaded temperature inversion

It might be the longest four-letter word in the English language.“Temperature inversion.”Nothing gets you in the holiday spirit quite like air you can actually see — and very nearly feel and taste, as well. And this week, according to the experts, Northern Utah’s famed winter inversion ...

Roosters’ beer, chickens’ eggs in the Ogden news

OGDEN — Roosters? Apparently, folks around here are saying “Yes, please.”But chickens? Not so much.This past week, <a href="http://www.roostersbrewingco.com/" target="_blank">Roosters Brewing Company</a> held a groundbreaking ceremony for a new ...

Trump’s visit to Utah rife with all sorts of Twitter possibilities

Well. President Donald Trump just paid a visit to the Beehive State.He was in Salt Lake City to sign proclamations reducing the size of the controversial Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments, and to briefly tour The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Welfare ...