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Standard Deviations

After 160 days, columnist breaks silence about our current president

It’s been 160 days since I last wrote a column about <a href="https://www.donaldjtrump.com/" target="_blank">Donald J. Trump</a>.One hundred and sixty days.I know, because I counted. Every. Single. Day.And I counted, because I’d intended on giving the man 180 ...

Lesbian girl coming out at Mormon meeting was bound to happen

It is, at once, my least favorite and most favorite thing about being Mormon.Fast Sunday.On the one hand, I’m asked to go without food for an entire day — no small feat for a man so completely addicted to stuffing his face. On the other hand, there is the wholly unpredictable fast and ...

Pioneer ‘trekkies’ brave wind and ticks to reenact Mormon migration

Most everywhere else in the country, “trekkies” are rabid fans of Gene Roddenberry’s “<a href="http://www.startrek.com/" target="_blank">Star Trek</a>” television series. In general, these people tend to be socially awkward misfits who dress up in funny ...

Thelma and Joe McQueen celebrate 73 years of married life

Joe McQueen picked up Thelma — the woman with whom he just celebrated 73 years of marriage — in a bar.Literally. Picked her up.The two had known each other from school there in their small town of <a href="http://www.ardmorecity.org/" target="_blank">Ardmore, ...

There’s little difference in torturing animals or humans

Sorry, but if I have to choose between a human and an animal? The human’s going to win out, every time.For example: All other things being equal, if a person and a dog were trapped in a burning building and I could only save one of them? It’s not going to be the one who drinks out of a ...