OGDEN — I think I’ve found us a new official spokesperson. It’s Artie McCarty, the Homeless Guy.One of the challenges for many cities is “branding” — coming up with a marketing plan that sets your city apart and encourages tourism, growth and business development. Such branding ...
Gotta say, I did NOT see this one coming.<a href="https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/president-trump" target="_blank">President Donald Trump</a> and I actually agree on something: Our shared disappointment in <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/" ...
Ask anyone who works with teenagers why they do it, and they’ll eventually get around to the old “It keeps me feeling young” explanation.It’s true, you know. Hanging out with teenagers — whether it’s via parenting, teaching school or working with a youth organization — really does ...
From my cold, dead hands with horribly disfigured and missing fingers …If there’s one thing Utahns love — almost as much as their specialty soft-drink shops — it’s things that go flash-bang in the night.If this is July, it must be time for Professor Funhater’s Annual Buzzkill Column ...
He was booed when he came to Utah. He left the same way.In between, for a few gloriously average seasons, the rising basketball commodity that is <a href="http://www.gordonhayward20.life/" target="_blank">Gordon Hayward</a> developed into a beloved sports figure in ...
Hey, America! Happy Fourth of July!Despite all of our many flaws, we really are a truly incredible country. And at this special time of unbridled patriotism, I salute and honor all aspects of this land of the free and home of the brave.Especially our military. And I’m not just saying that ...