On this Thanksgiving weekend, it seems only fitting to take a moment to talk about the things for which we’re thankful.And as curious as this may sound, it turns out that <a href="https://www.whitehouse.gov/people/donald-j-trump/" target="_blank">President Donald ...
It was — even for those of us who didn’t know him all that well — nothing short of a gut punch.In fact, those are the exact same words two of us in the Standard-Examiner newsroom, independent of one another, used to describe our feelings upon hearing news of the death of Brent Taylor, the ...
“Donald Trump is the worst president in U.S. history. He ought to be impeached.”<p style="text-align: right;"><em>— Voter A</em>“Donald Trump is our nation’s greatest president. His image ought to be permanently enshrined on Mount ...
It’s almost Halloween. Wanna hear something really scary?According to various media sources, the average wedding in the United States costs more than $33,000. And that doesn’t even include the rings or the honeymoon.What’s more, $33 grand is the national average, which also includes ...
OK, people. It’s time to address the emotional support elephant in the room.For some weird reason, Utah has developed an undeserved reputation around the country for being — to use the clinical term — "bat-crap crazy." And certainly our beloved state has its share of, shall we say, ...
Mark the date, people: Oct. 6, 2018.Not since 1848 have we seen such a dramatic answer to a collective people’s fervent prayers. That’s a whopping 170 years ago, for those keeping score.It was late July 1847 when the Mormon pioneers first arrived in the Salt Lake Valley. After struggling ...