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Letter: Astonished by writer’s party-switching scheme

This is in response to Ben Watkins letter "A drastic plan to prevent Trump from appearance on ballot". It's not a matter of trusting Utah Republicans picking their candidate. I’m pretty sure the majority of Republicans know who their candidate is and it’s “DONALD J. TRUMP”. You're ...

Letter: Rudolph will lead Santa’s sleigh through the inversion

My grand kids are very worried that this month’s inversion will prevent Santa and his reindeer from visiting them. I told them not to worry because with Rudolph’s bright red nose Santa will be able to see right through the fog. HO, HO, HO, and a Merry Christmas to all. Stan Jacobson Ogden

Letter: Speak out against Box Elder County gravel pit plans

If you are concerned with a gravel pit east of Willard Bay State Park, (which is already in direct sight) and proposed to expand higher on the mountain than any existing pit in the area and extend its life by 35 years. Please send an opposing email to The Box Elder County Planning ...

Letter: The best and only way toward American prosperity

“The best of times,” and “the worst of times,” seem to be upon us as we see such incredible applications of science and general abundance of opportunities juxtaposed to increased lawlessness and despair. Certainly, highlighted must be the choices people make that lead to good and bad ...

Letter: A letter of thanks to the community

Where to begin. The family and friends of Liberty Grace Stimpson were devastated as she went missing into the Weber River on May 1st, while she was relishing the spring day on the family farm. And then you showed up. You all showed up. Whether as emergency responders, search and rescue team ...

Letter: Another Trump mistake or blatant lie. Beware!

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump promised he'd only be a dictator for one day so we can "drill, drill, drill", implying that we don't drill enough oil already so he'd need to use non-Constitutional methods to get us drilling. There's only one problem; once again he's either mistaken or ...

Letter: Why GOP should be happy Curtis was at COP

This week, world leaders convened at the annual international climate conference, and among the attendees were conservative U.S. leaders representing Utah’s priorities. In the past, Republicans have avoided these summits, as if we would ever be invited to them! Notwithstanding, Utah’s ...

Letter: A renewable energy future in the US is attainable

With the hidden costs of a changing climate increasing, see Deseret News Opinion of August 20, 2023, "The hidden cost of climate change," a pivotal question emerges: Can a combination of wind, solar, and geothermal meet all of US energy demand? Microsoft's rival search engine Bing seems to ...

Letter: Morgan County, developer reaping what they sowed

With the preliminary injunction temporarily stopping the construction of the Wasatch Peaks Ranch (WPR) development, it was a great day for the Utah Constitution and the people’s fundamental referendum rights. However, negative consequences to real people and real lives will result. This is ...

Letter: Anti-Israel commentary got many facts wrong

Rick Jones recently penned a guest column entitled "Limited government precludes aid to Israel". Not only was it biased, it was also factually inaccurate. Rick stated that in 1983 the "US had military personnel in Beirut supporting the Israeli invasion of Lebanon". The fact is that in 1982, ...