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The TX. 10: Best activities to do in quarantine

<strong>1. Jackbox games.</strong> Jackbox is a series of video games that you can play right on your TV and on your phones. My family has gotten some of the games, and they are a ton of fun to play. I would highly recommend this to anyone who needs something to ...

Songs with meaning hit all the right notes

In our time and times past there have been songs that strike deep “chords” within our souls. There are songs that may last a lifetime for a person, and some that will last but a fleeting moment.Today, let's take a look at a list of some of the songs that you’ve either A) heard before, and ...

Bottom Line trivia

A concert grand piano may be up to 9 feet long; a baby grand is usually about 5 feet long.[gallery_header ids="1106932,1106937,1106941"]

5 tips to rock online school

Due to COVID-19, some students’ greatest hopes and dreams have come true. School is out! For ... who knows how long!However, with this much needed “break” there come a few problems and issues. Students don’t have a lot of motivation to do homework to begin with, and preventing them from ...

The TX. 10: Animated characters who always make us laugh

1. Mike Wazowski2. Homer Simpson3. SpongeBob SquarePants4. Edna Mode5. Kevin (“Up”)6. Genie (“Aladdin”)7. Mushu (“Mulan”)8. Shaggy and Scooby-Doo9. Baymax (“Big Hero 6”)10. Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck — their feud is an endless cycle of hilarity and fun.<em>— TX. ...

Why stick with Electoral College?

What do Donald Trump, George W. Bush, Benjamin Harrison, Rutherford B. Hayes and John Quincy Adams all have in common?While each was president of the United States, there is a more exclusive connection these men share. Not a single one of them won the popular vote when they were elected ...